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Friday, April 20, 2012

Why I Run - Maura Ryan

When I first sat down to ask myself this question ("Why do I run?"), I thought, "Because it's what I do."  Although I've never considered myself a "runner," after some deliberation I've come to the conclusion that since I run, by default some may call me a runner.  So, why do I run?  I run for sanity; to counterbalance the insane things that I do.  I run for my health - both physical and mental.  I run to explore.  I run to conquer my fears.  I run to be outside.  I run to escape reality.  I run to face reality.  I run for endorphins.  I run to try to achieve a flat stomach.  I run to suppress anxiety.  I run to counter my obsession with craft beer. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012, I run to celebrate life.  Though I did not know Payton, I know her sister.  My sister turns 29 this year (Payton was 29 when she passed) and I cannot imagine life without her.  This past year has been a blur.  I packed up my car (also known as the Hot Tamale) and moved to DC last April.  It has been one heck of a year.  A year full of love and loss.  Through it all, I run.

Click here to donate to The Caring for Carcinoid Foundation

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Why I Run - Sarah Farnell

I will be running in the Country Music Marathon to raise money for cancer research through the Caring for Carcinoid Foundation. This is my most favorite time of year because I get to meet with all my friends and family and do something fun to remember those we've lost. My sister Payton was just 29 when she died of carcinoid cancer- a currently incurable form of cancer. I am now 29 years old myself, and I am struck by just how crazy crazy young that is to die. The Caring for Carcinoid Foundation does some amazing work and has made some great breakthroughs (check them out)!!

I miss my sister every day, but I know she is proud of the $30,000 plus that we have raised over the last 5 years for cancer research. My hope is that sometime in the near future, if a young wife, sister, or daughter- like my sister- hears the diagnosis "carcinoid cancer," it is not synonymous with a death sentence. Perhaps the money we raise will help the Caring for Carcinoid Foundation make that dream a reality. Please consider making a donation at our fundraising site

We run to remember...

Thank you so much for your support!!! Come out and cheer for us!


P.S. Check out this AWESOME video we made to promote the race!! I'm in it!! I look a little weird. Do I REALLY sound like that?!!!!

Why I Run - Ken Brown

My initial purpose for running was to simply feel better and hopefully keep myself in reasonably good health during the last phase of my life. However, over time running has become a much more important aspect of who I am and how I want to live. It's a mood enhancer for me, a quiet time for thinking, and a counter weight to all of life's stress points. Even though it burns and the muscles ache during a hard run, just overcoming that little bit of pain and pushing hard to persevere feels so worthwhile when the run is finished! And it keeps me coming back!

I did not know Payton, but I've watched her family and close friends keep her light, her life and their fondest memories of her very much of part of their lives. So I know there are thousands more brave people of all ages still fighting the battle to overcome carcinoid cancer, so if I can do a small part by fundraising and running with the “Little Team That Could” I consider it a honor and such a worthy cause.

Click here to donate to The Caring for Carcinoid Foundation

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Why I Run - Carrie Marshall Anderson

There are a hundred reasons why I could say I run. I like to stay in shape, it is cheaper than the gym, to tune out the world, to enjoy a big dinner or an extra drink at happy hour or just to feel athletic again. Those reasons, always come and go depending on the day. But one reason never changes. I run for my friend, Payton. I run to remember her. When I run, I often think of her. My fondest memory, the one that leaves me most grateful, is from the week we first met as college freshman. Little known fact, because of Payton, I am a college graduate. I have hated school since the beginning of time and college classes were no different. I missed being home with my family and making friends for the first time, without the crutch of teammates, had proven difficult. That spring, I had decided not to enroll in fall semester and was planning how to delicately disappoint my parents by telling them that college was not for me. That is, until Payton, with her larger than life heart, and spontaneous whim, invited me to go camping. We had known each other less than a week and she wanted to share a tent in the woods. Very trusting, to say the least. That weekend, I had a great time and I made friends that I hold dear to this day. It turned my year around, and those friendships are the reason I returned to school and stayed…until I graduated. On that day, I barely knew Payton, but she knew better than most, how to be a friend. For that reason, I will always run for her.

Click here to donate to The Caring for Carcinoid Foundation

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Why I Run - Brent Graeber

My answer to that statement has changed many times over the last five years as I’ve completed two full marathons and thee half marathons, but this year it’s simple.  My motivation for running came to me while I was at my grandparent’s house for Christmas.   The house was full of people, full of life.  My grandfather is the nicest, wisest, and most honest man I know.  He seems so happy with what he’s done in life and so very proud of each of his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.  He’s a man that I strive to be in life, because I know if I’m half the man he is, then I’m a pretty darn good person.  My Uncle Doug was giving out CDs of sermons that he had preached throughout his life as a minister, and I thought what better way to pass on your life to your family than to pass on what you spent your life believing in.  When I run, my family is in my heart and they push me.  This room of life keeps me going.  My grandparents’ house was so much more than a family celebrating Christmas, it was a family celebrating the life we’ve been lucky enough to have with each other. 

This year I run to “Celebrate Life,” the theme of my marathon team.  For the first time in a long time, I can say I am happy.  My happiness has been motivated by my running.  This year I’m running in Nashville, TN, which is a city full of life.  I am running with new friends in Nashville and with the thoughts and support of my friends from Greensboro.  I run knowing how lucky I’ve been to have such a supportive groups of friends.  I run because I have a family that’s loved and supported me through every step of my life.  I run with the memory of ten wonderful years I spent with Payton, my wife who lost her life to Carcinoid Cancer five years ago.  I run to celebrate every aspect of a life that I have been fortunate enough to have experienced in my past, and with each step I take, I am excited about my present and I look forward to my future.  Yes, I run to celebrate life.

This is the fifth year that The Little Team That Could is running for The Caring for Carcinoid Foundation and my first year as co-captain of the team.  There are many goals I have for this year, and if you can help in any way toward these goals, it would be wonderful.  The first goal is very personal.  It is to finish the half marathon in less than two hours (Words of encouragement are definitely welcome.).  The second goal - my friends Matt and Paige made an absolutely wonderful video about The Caring for Carcinoid Foundation and why we started The Little Team that Could.  This is a youtube video that keeps count of the number of views we accumulate.  Please post on Facebook and forward our video to friends, as our goal is to reach over one thousand views of the video.  I’d be ecstatic if we got over five thousand views!!  And lastly, we’ve made an aggressive goal this year to raise $10,000.00 as a team.  Any dollar that you can spare goes a long way in helping us reach our goal and helping The Caring for Carcinoid Foundation reach its ultimate goal of finding a cure. 

I’d like to send a special thank you to everyone who’s supported me these last five years of running, and also supported me in my life.  I owe you more than I can ever express in words.  

Why I Run - Josh Garrett

The primary reason I started running is that I never thought I would be able to do something like this. But the flooding sense of accomplishment today when I finish a 13.1 mile run is the same as when I ran my very first mile, finished my first 5K, and every time I reach any goal I set for myself. It’s a battle against mental hurdles that say “you can’t”, “you’re too this”, “you’re too that”, “there are more fun things you could be doing”. Now I find running not only fun, but a way for me to blow off the stress of the day and have some time for self reflection. And I also get to enjoy the health benefits of staying active!

I’m running this particular race to support my amazing new friend Sarah Farnell who I only met last October. She has the biggest heart of anyone I know. I am proud to be raising money and awareness for the Caring for Carcinoid Foundation. I would literally run a thousand miles if it meant finding a cure. I know the money I help raise will make a difference in the lives of so many, and that is why I run.
Click here to donate to The Caring for Carcinoid Foundation

Why I Run - Katie Garcia

This is my first half marathon and I couldn't be more excited to join such an amazing team. I've lived away from home for the last ten years of my life and my friends have become my family. In Nashville- one of my closest friends who feels to me like a sister is Sarah Farnell. Sarah inspires me to go big and try hard- to scheme and dream and live large. Anything is possible and so I run for Sarah and her family.
Click here to donate to The Caring for Carcinoid Foundation