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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Julianne Billington: Why I Run

"And you're doing this for fun?" This has become the common response I get from people when I tell them about one of my long runs I'm embarking on! The past few years I've ran off and on with my main reason being for my health and making myself feel and look better. This past year however I decided to run for something other than just myself. When Sarah asked me to consider running for the Caring for Carcinoid Foundation in memory of Payton, I thought why not?!?  I now achieve my normal goal, but this gives me that extra motivation because when it's snowy, rainy, and cold and I don't want to run, I think of the greater good. This race is about so much more than me and my running! So this year when I run 13.1 miles I'm running for others who can't with the hope that one day there will be a cure for carcinoid!

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